Baby Massage Frequently Asked Questions

We thought we would share some of the most common questions we get asked about our baby massage classes. This way you can be prepared before joining one of our sessions and also have an understanding of how things work for you and your little one.

Often we know this may be the first activity you have attended with your baby, therefore we create an environment whereby we try not to overstimulate babies creating a calming environment for both of you.

What does a class look like? – we usually set up the class in a semi circle/circle this way I can see everyone and you can also see me whilst I demonstrate the strokes (the instructor DOES NOT massage your baby). It also allows me to support you during the class too. I provide yoga mats for babies to lay on just remember to bring a towel/blanket along with you to lay baby on and also to support with keeping them warm during massage.

How old does my baby need to be? – We recommend babies can attend from 6 weeks to 12 months.

What oil do you use and do I need to bring my own? – Oil is provided during the course along with handouts. This supports with massaging your baby at home. The oil we use is a cold-pressed organic sunflower oil which is edible too. Whilst babies are small we avoid oils with fragrances to help support with bonding and attachment. We always recommend to patch test incase babies does show any signs of a reaction.

What do I need to bring? – Everything you would need to leave the house with which we know can be everything including the kitchen sink. Bring what you need to and we provide the rest for your class. We have nappy changing facilities at our venues also.

What if my baby cries? – Don’t worry all baby’s cry, just follow your baby’s cues as we know they may be tired, need feeding etc. It doesn’t necessarily mean they dislike massage either. The first time you perform massage can be overwhelming for a baby, this is why we break the massage down week by week.

Can I bring my partner/relatives/friends along to the class? – Unfortunately due to COVID restrictions we aren’t able to allow support persons.

Are you complying with COVID restrictions? – Yes, we only offering limited numbers in our classes and following the restrictions in place for our current phase. Hand sanitiser will be available at the session and we ensure all our equipment is cleaned after to use.

How do I book a class? – Simply visit our events section on the website and secure your place. Places are limited and bookings are essential.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me further.

5 Reasons why you should attend a First Senses Baby Massage Course

Once your baby has arrived and you’re settled (well as can be expected) you may decide you want to attend a class with your new baby. Look no further than baby massage. It has so many benefits for babies, small babies too which will last right through their childhood. You’re thinking baby massage? What is baby massage?

Baby massage is a 4 week program which uses a series of strokes, gentle movements and holds to provide your baby with a full body massage. There are so many benefits for baby but also for you as a caregiver and is a great way to bond with your new baby. Touch is powerful and is a powerful tool which can be used with babies to support many ailments. Baby massage enables communication and connection through nurturing touch – benefiting the psychological and physiological development of baby.

1.) Quality Time – our classes allow you to spend one on one time with your baby uninterrupted for one hour allows you to focus all your energy solely on your baby.

2.) Relief from ailments – Did you know massage can have many benefits for not only you but your baby. For example massage can support with troubles such as wind, colic and constipation. Also support with congestion and teething pain.

3.) Bonding and attachment – It takes time for all parents to learn how their baby communicates. Touch is the first form of communication and  it allows parents to understand their babies wants, needs, likes and dislikes. The early stages of parenting can be the most challenging and lonely.  Getting out of the house and attending  class can make all the difference to some parents and often be the thing needed to break the cycle of depression. Oxytocin the hormone which is produced when massaging babies, benefits both baby and parent and those near by, helping everyone to feel calm and relaxed.

4.) Social – Our classes provide families with the chance to meet other parents and share experiences of parenting with babies of a similar age, in a safe non-judgmental environment. A great way to make new friends.

5.) Supports children’s learning and development – Massaging your baby strengthens and tones their muscles. Baby massage is a great way to support babies to reach their developmental milestones by building muscle strength so they can learn to roll over, sit up and crawl. Also massage helps aid baby’s early communication. Through the introduction of songs and rhymes we are able to enhance the experience for babies. Singing stimulates babies early language development, aiding communication between baby and parent and being part of a group helps babies to develop their social skills.

Want to find out more information? Contact us for times, dates and locations of our next courses.